Tuesday, March 18, 2008

And Where Are The Taxpayers Yachts?

If there is any lesson to be learned from the financial collapse that has taken place over the past nine months, it's that "conservative" economics is a failure. Worse than that, it is a blatant lie foisted upon the public to make a very small number of people fabulously rich while the rest of us struggle to get by.

The Republican brand of fundamentalist economics is at the root of the sub-prime mortgage disaster as well as the recent collapse on Wall Street. The GOP's blind worship of free markets is what got us into this - and now that the system has failed , the capitalists want the taxpayers to bail them out.

And guess what? We just did.

These are the same people paying lower tax rates than you are because fundamentalist economics says they won't continue to work their financial magic if they have to pay too much in taxes.

There is no way to spin this in favor of the Republicans or the Bush Administration. They have failed miserably, and it's time to throw them out of office before we (hopefully) throw them into jail for the biggest theft in history.

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