Monday, February 4, 2008

Fascists for Tax Reform

Talking about people who have a basic problem with representative democracy, we have Rep. Fulton Sheen and his Michigan Fair Tax movement.

Sheen can't get the duly elected legislature to enact his impossibly regressive tax scheme so it's time to see if he can fool the dumb voters by turning it into a ballot proposal. The so-called Fair Tax eliminates all business and income taxes and replaces them with a massive sales tax. Fair to plutocrats perhaps.

Whether this is a joke or not, it's not right to try to set tax policy with misleading names and 30 second ads on TV. This is why we have representatives who are supposed to understand this stuff (OK, shakey ground here with our term-limited legislature).

Nevertheless, legislation by referendum has crippled California and is not where we want to go in Michigan.

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