Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Call it a Draw

It's pretty clear that there are enough Hillary supporters in Lansing to prevent a do-over of the Michigan primary.

They can whine about costs and logistics and what about all those people who voted in the primary, but that's all a bunch of nothing. If they wanted a do-over we could make it happen - and I think people would be happier overall because what we did would matter.

Since it's not going to happen, the best thing is to call Michigan a draw and split the delegates between Clinton and Obama. MI delegates get to go to Denver and wear their funny hats - but there is no way they should play a role in deciding who is going to be the candidate. We blew it (or somebody blew it) and there will be a revolt in the Democratic Party if the candidate is chosen based on Michigan or Florida delegate counts.

Call it a draw and be done with it. And do it now.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good for people to know.