Friday, October 3, 2008

Mackinac Center

Are we ever going to get the chance to call out the Mackinac Center and their toadies like Jack Hoogendyk?

They espouse economic fundamentalism that has proven itself to be completely wrong, unsupported by the facts and worthless in stopping Michigan's slide into the abyss. It's not just that Hoogendyk's wrong; their whole philosophy needs to be ripped to shreds and tossed into the dustbin.

I'm sick of seeing Mackinac writers trotted out in the GR Press like they are some kind of intellectuals. They are a bunch of right-wing hacks and we need to destroy their credibility once we are done beating their politicians. Failure to do this will lead to Dick Amway as Governor with yet another round of bullshit supply side economics.

1 comment:

esther said...

aside from being total crackpots, they tend to have really unfortunate names. hoogendyk? and remember dick posthumous?