Monday, May 12, 2008

The New and Improved Gay-Friendly Press

In today's editorial, the GRP bemoans the fact that Michigan's hopelessly Republican and reactionary Supreme Court struck down benefits for same-sex couples employed by public institutions.

The Press is shocked, shocked that the 2004 anti-Gay marriage amendment will hurt the state by making it unfriendly to "world-class thinkers and researchers" who will bypass Michigan universities for more progressive states.

Well, gosh what a surprise that this pathetic amendment, which the Press endorsed, now turns out to have had unintended consequences. What a revelation that legislation by constitutional amendment is a stupid idea.

OK, fine. But what's more interesting is the Press's observation that
"the unfortunate truth is that the majority on the court, and probably the state, don't care"
Another shocker.

There is an answer to this, and that is to vote right-wing, extremist Justice Cliff Taylor off the court this November. Will the Press go so far as to advocate reforming the court? Don't count on it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The Grand Rapids Press did not editorially endorse the Marriage Protection Amendment in 2004. In fact, every major daily newspaper in the state except the Holland paper editorially opposed the amendment.