In a recent Press exclusive Cox leads off his platform with the Big Lie, the conservative meme that refuses to die, the GOP fantasy that cutting taxes will actually increase revenues to the state. This is the so called Supply Side Economics cooked up in the Reagan administration - that has as much to do with economics as my dog's nuts.
Cox the Magician says he will cut state taxes by $2 billion:
Cox insisted that increased revenues stimulated by the tax cuts would help Michigan close a projected 2010 budget deficit of $1.6 billion.What planet does this guy live on? Hello Mike, this is 2009! We just tried the Supplied Side crap for eight years with your soul buddy George and, uh, I don't think it worked too damn well. And then there's John Engler - remember him? the guy who cut Michigan taxes 30 or 40 times? That worked really well too, didn't it? Just look at all the economic growth that flooded in after all those tax cuts.
"When you reduce tax rates, revenue going into government actually increases," Cox said.
As if that's not enough, Mr. Cox also thinks Michigan needs more Nuclear and coal-fired power plants:
"I think we ought to aim to be the energy capital of America," Cox said. "Nuclear is one way we could be more competitive in the long run. In the long run, that's a way to diversify our economy."Clean coal? Another big stinking turd dreamed up by our friends in the coal industry. There is no such thing as clean coal, period.
He noted he backs a $2 billion, 800 megawatt Consumers Energy "clean coal" operation in Essexville.
And not to forget the religious right, Cox tops it off with his opposition to gay marriage and civil unions:
"Gay individuals by and large do enjoy the protections that heterosexuals do," he said.Go for it Mike, wanker extraordinaire that you are.